Lime Guacamole

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This recipe is adapted from Chef Chloe's recipe that go with her Cajun black bean burgers, or it can go with these black bean burgers.  I liked her original recipe, but I prefer more lime and cilantro.  Plus, when you add lime, it keeps it from going brown.  (By the way, save the avocado pit when you're making the guac.  Then put the pit in the bowl of guacamole when you need to store it.  This keeps it from going brown).

Lime Guacamole

3 ripe avocados
Juice from 1 lime
1/4 cup fresh salsa like pico de gallo
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper

In a bowl, mash avocados with lime juice until thick and creamy.  Fold in salsa and cilantro.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Three inspiring websites

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One of my top five on the Strengths Finder test is "connectedness", meaning that I see connections in the world and have an understanding of how my choices and relationships are connected.  At first I didn't understand this about myself, it seemed kind of out there.  But since becoming vegan, I totally get it.  I began this journey to impact my health, and in reading various literature, saw how food choices impact the environment and the global community.  Not to mention how my consumption of other things (clothing, cosmetics and personal care items, gasoline, water) impact the world, and in turn how these choices impact my health.  Its easy to feel overwhelmed with all the craziness in the world, but I'm learning to, in the words of Teddy Roosevelt, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are". Just because I can't do everything doesn't mean I shouldn't do something.

These three websites have inspired me as of late.  There are a TON of other amazing websites out there, but these are the three I've been visiting most.  Check them out and let me know what you think.

EcoStiletto All things green.  Great suggestions on green alternatives.

Crazy Sexy Life Kriss Carr started this project when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her honesty and sweetness in the midst of an incredibly difficult situation is (word of the day alert!) inspiring.

The Kind Life Alicia Silverstone's website based on her book "The Kind Diet".  I really enjoy the forum and virtual community.

Fridge staples

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lately I've been getting together with friends, reconnecting after so much time of being away.  One thing people ask me is what in the world to feed me?!  Its really not so hard people, anything veggie related is just fine!  I don't need meat as a main course!  But I do appreciate people trying to accommodate my "weird" diet.

Anyways, that got me thinking about what I try to keep stocked in my fridge and pantry to keep my own self fed.  Here's a list of some things that are my go-to things for lunches, snacks, and meals on the fly.  Veggie sandwiches, burritos, and stir-frys are easy, quick meals and I always try to have fixins for those.

Veggies:                                                                    Grains:
Tomatoes                                                                  Brown rice
Cucumbers                                                                Quinoa
Sprouts (like broccoli)                                                Oatmeal
Zucchini or another type of squash
Bell peppers (RED!!!! are my favorite)                       Other stuff:
Broccoli                                                                     Pasta & sauce
Cauliflower                                                                A variety of beans
Potatoes                                                                    Lentils
Sweet potatoes                                                         Canned soups
Fruit:                                                                         Salsa                                                    
Bananas                                                                    Nuts                                                                  
Apples                                                                      Cilantro
Grapes                                                                      Fresh basil
Anything else that strikes me!

These are just the basics, but if you keep these staples on hand you will guarantee a variety of healthy, vegan meals.  And you can feed me when I come over, too.  :)

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