The World's Most Unhealthy Vegetarian

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Recently I started my journey as a vegetarian. I decided to become veg primarily because of health reasons, but as I've researched, I've found a plethora of motivation. However, its hard to be veg when you don't like vegetables! This is why I've dubbed myself "The World's Most Unhealthy Vegetarian". As it turns out, vegetables are the primary ingredient of a veg's diet. Wish I'd known this back in Janurary! Not only have I had to start actually eating vegetables, but I've decided to try to go vegan (for reasons that I'll someday, maybe in another 3 months, post on the blog) and so that eliminates the tasty food that helps veggies not taste like veggies: Cheese! And to top it all off, I recently discovered that the veggies I actually like (tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants) are of the nightshade family, which are full of alkalines and not great for you in large quantities. So long, eggplant stiry fry recipes, tomatoes on everything, and french fries.

So what HAVE I been eating, you may ask? Still lots of TV dinners, of the veggie orientation, ramen noodles, and PB & J sandwhiches. Maybe I should eat some broccoli or two, there's not a lot of fiber in that diet.


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