To celebrate my one year anniversary into this journey I decided to change things up. Check out my new design and tell me what you think. Its still a work in process, but I'm slowly improving things around here. Not only do I have a new look, but you'll notice my new domain too: Tell your friends!
If you're new to my blog, I'm glad you've decided to check it out! I originally named it "Making Friends With Veggies: The World's Most Unhealthy Vegetarian". First of all, when I decided to explore vegetarianism, I realized I hated vegetables! Its true, I ate as little veggies as possible. The idea of becoming vegetarian, much less vegan was laughable. I decided that before committing to the scary prospect of (gasp!) no longer eating meat, I needed to explore what I could eat. I needed to get to know my vegetables and like them. Chard and kale still freak me out, but I'm learning to love them.
Secondly, I realized that you can be a vegetarian and still be really unhealthy. It wasn't enough to replace meat with vegetable based, highly processed foods like soy hot dogs and tofu stir fry take out, not to mention the junk I still continued to consume (sour patch kids may be vegan, but they're definitely NOT healthy!). And when I became vegetarian, I still ate a lot of cheese and eggs, maybe even more than I used to consume. And that is definitely not healthy either!
I've been vegan for 8 months now, and this blog is really about my journey to health. Expect an update of my "about me" page; now that I've gained some perspective on food and health my thinking and experiences have a different lens. I also plan to highlight specific vegetables. This is more for me than anyone else, but at least I can put all the information in one place!
So there you have it. I'm glad you're here!
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