So here’s the story.
I am a junk food junkie. I mean, I consider a complete meal one that includes an In-N-Out animal-style double-double and a large coke. During my recent grad school days I could often be found hovering in front of the vending machine with a Milky Way and Dr. Pepper. I’m addicted to Coca-Cola. In fact, a few years ago when I left my job to move out of state, my co-workers threw me a Coca-Cola themed farewell party. I’ve tried to cut out Coke (a-Cola) several times, always to relapse into a Coca-Cola induced sugar coma. Last year I even gave up drinking regular soda for the entire year, just to see if I could do it. Well, I did! But wouldn’t you know it at 11am on New Year’s Day I found myself driving through McDonald’s, ordering the supersize Coke. Of course, it doesn’t help that I live just down the street from a gas station that sells 32 ounce fountain Cokes for 69 cents.
Aside from my love affair with Coca-Cola, I have a huge sweet tooth and love chocolate. My favorite foods also include pepperoni pizza and cheeseburgers. Surprisingly, I’ve maintained a healthy weight over the years, but as the big 3-0 rapidly approaches I find that I can’t eat as I used to.
Colon cancer runs in my family, with all of my mom’s immediate family members having dealt with it in some way. After she had a scare with it a few years ago, she began researching the disease. The evidence indicated that cancer, especially colon cancer, is correlated with eating animal protein. She told me, “Its too late for me, but its not too late for you”.
I slowly started to cut out red meat, and at the beginning of 2010 I began to cut back on meat completely. I now consider myself a vegetarian and am working my way towards being completely animal-product free.
This brings me to the tag-line of my blog: The World’s Most Unhealthy Vegetarian. Turning from my sugar-a-holic ways is gigantic step, one that has shocked many of my friends. “Are you really going vegan?” they ask with a chuckle. As I was changing my eating habits I still relied on that middle of the afternoon sugar rush. I also found that many vegetarian recipes include a TON of cheese. As Dr. Campbell, author of The China Study says, one can be a vegetarian and still be unhealthy. I want to be healthy and strong, and to live a long and active life.
Its my hope that through my story you may find inspiration and humor, hope and companionship. For anyone who is also becoming vegan, may you know that you are not alone in your journey. For anyone who is a staunch meat eater with no intentions of becoming otherwise, may the evidence compel you to consider viewing food differently.
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